The city with the sky bridges, 1/1

Babel, 9/25

The city that people have given back to nature, 3/25

The city where people thought life somewhere else was much more interesting, 7/25

The city where people thought life somewhere else was much more interesting, 7/25
The city where people found it increasingly hard to keep their heads above water, 16/25

The city where people had less and less time, 4/25

The city where people had less and less time, 4/25
Drowned City, 4/25

Coral Island, 17/25

Annemarie Petri

painter, graphic designer She uses her impressive technical skill to evoke a picturesque and melancholic world all of her own. Annemarie Petri (The Hague, the Netherlands, 1965) is a very versatile artist, experienced in painting, sculpting, and etching. She uses her impressive technical skill to evoke a picturesque and melancholic world all of her own. […]